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NuVibe - Feel your vibe.

No.1 - pure collagen powder

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Say goodbye to wrinkles, cellulite and sallow skin!

From now on it's: Hello smooth, supple and irresistible skin! ✨🌹

With No.1 you have the opportunity to improve your skin naturally and sustainably with just 1-2 tablespoons a day. All you have to do is stir the powder into your favorite drink. That's it! That's all you need to do.

➡️ You can believe us, you'll see the first results in just 14 days 😍

The benefits of No.1:

✓ Makes your skin softer, smoother and more supple

✓ Helps to reduce cellulite

✓ preserves the firmness of the skin

✓ helps to moisturize the skin

✓ is your natural skin rejuvenator

✓ reduces wrinkles and fine lines

✓ you will see the first results in just 14 days

✓ hydrolyzed collagen type 1, 2 & 3

✓ produced for you in Germany

✓ DEKRA tested and halal

✓ heat-stable & neutral in taste

    ❗️Don't know what collagen is?

    No problem, here is a short and important answer for you:

    From the age of 25, the body's own production of collagen decreases. This is essential for our bones, joints, muscles, vision and skin, as well as connective tissue. Over time, the natural ageing process sets in, wrinkles appear and the skin becomes saggy.

    Collagen provides elasticity and firmness to the skin. It has been used for many years as an ingredient in some products that are applied to the skin. However, an internal supplement of collagen has a much longer lasting effect in your body. When you apply collagen to the skin, it only reaches the first and top layer of skin (epidermis). By ingesting collagen, it reaches the second layer of skin (dermis). So it works much more efficiently!

    No.1 helps you to strengthen the connective tissue of your skin in a natural process. This process makes your skin firmer, reduces wrinkles and supports a younger, healthier appearance after just 14 days. The appearance of cellulite is also reduced on average after six months.

    So here you have (almost) your magic powder for beautiful skin, firm connective tissue and strong bones, muscles, joints and tendons in your hands.

    What are you waiting for? 😇

    Ingredients: 100% pure collagen hydrolyzate from grazing cattle

    Recommended intake: Mix 1-2 tablespoons (10-20g) of the collagen powder daily into coffee or tea, your morning smoothie, in shakes after sport or use it as a topping for your muesli or morning bowl. There are no limits to the combinations you can make, your collagen powder is super easy to dissolve and tasteless. You can also mix it into savory dishes.

    It is important that you consume the collagen regularly so that it can work in the right place in your body. Interruptions or irregular intake will prevent the collagen from showing its full effect.

    Please note: Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of small children. Not suitable for adolescents. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Store in a dry place away from light and heat. May contain traces of gluten, egg protein, soy and milk. Best before: See packaging.

    Food supplement with collagen hydrolyzate.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 13 reviews

    Ich nutze das No.1 Kollagen-Pulver seit knapp 3 Monaten und bin einfach Mega happy. Meine Haut hat sich so positiv verbessert ich kann es nur empfehlen!

    Daniela L.

    Meine Haut ist durch die tägliche Einnahme von dem Kollagen Pulver
    viel reiner und weicher geworden.

    Besfort Q.
    Prodotto molto valido! Consigliato!

    Dopo i fantastici saponi Nuvibe, mia moglie ed io abbiamo deciso di provare il collagene. Lo stiamo assumendo da qualche settimana. Io soffro di mal di schiena da venti anni e volevo provare i benefici del collagene.

    Si scioglie facilmente nelle bevande e non ha sapore. Io lo preferisco nel caffè espresso in quanto non ne altera il gusto ma ne aumenta la cremosità.

    Sinceramente non speravo gli effetti sull'organismo si notassero così in fretta. Mi devo invece ricredere: la pelle migliora visibilmente già dopo dieci giorni. Ora posso dire che l'elasticità sembra quella di quando ero più giovane ed in generale la pelle appare più sana. La schiena va effettivamente meglio nonostante la primavera sia di solito il periodo più critico. Continuerò certamente su questa strada in quanto ho letto che i migliori risultati si dovrebbero apprezzare dopo due mesi di cura.

    Provare per credere!

    Super Supplement!

    Ich nutze das Kollagen jetzt nun schon ein paar Wichen und habe nach ca 7 Tagen bereits einen Unterschied festgestellt. Ich habe kein festes Bindegewebe und verwende es um die Bindegewebestruktur zu stärken. Und genau das stelle ich fest, es fühlt sich deutlich fester bzw. straffer an und meine Haut fühlt sich weicher an. Zudem hat sich mein generelles hairballs verbessert! Ich shoppe es mir direkt nach, sobald meine Packung aufgebraucht ist. Klare Empfehlung!

    TOP Produkt!

    Ich bin wirklich begeistert. Nehme seit ca. 3 Wochen jeden Tag das Pulver eingerührt in Kaffee und bin wirklich begeistert. Man schmeckt es überhaupt nicht. Bereits nach 2 Wochen habe ich sichtbare Verbesserungen meiner Haut und Haare gemerkt.
    Absolut empfehlenswertes Produkt. Lieben Dank an das Nu Vibe Team!